JEEEEEZ!!!!! It's been 4 years since I have shown love to newgrounds!
If you want to keep up with me I don't tend to be on here anymore. However! I am active on twitter, and even do some twitch streaming usually twice or so a week.
I have also been super nerdy and me and my friends stream D&D on twitch on the weekends as well. Saturdays we usually do 2 different campaigns. One is DMed by myself and the other DMed by the owner of the channel. On Sunday we do another campaign DMed by my husband you can find that at Granite21's twitch.
Granite21 Twitch:
Most of you probably already know this but just in case I wanted to update for any peeps not in the loop and on here.
I am, of course, still voice acting. I tend to do commercials and the like to pay the bills. I figure most people aren't interested in commercials and tend to save the animations, or video games for the announcing posts. If you are interested I have done audio books.
The Spirit of Life *This is the third book in the series*
The Gates of Avaelon: book 1
If you want more info I update way more regularly on twitter than anything else! Thanks for staying and reading! <3
I hope your life is doing okay.