This is for....anyone who reads my news. XD
I just added a new chapter of spellfall to youtube
Spellfall Chp 10 Soultree (1/2)
I feel like the story is getting thicker and better at this point. I love all of the book, but once they are in Earthhaven everything really starts gettin goin. For me at least ^.^
I am really trying to get the chapters in faster. Doing them every other day off of work. I am trying to equal out work, voice acting, drawing, friends, and family. So far I am failing quite a lot so bare with me pls. lol
and also
There is a Cute Monster Contest on DA that i have joined
If you like what i did you can go over there and vote for me. If you have your own account i suggest joining the contest.
My Cute Monster
Good luck!! Sure is a cute monster!
Thank you very much ^.^ I will need all the luck I can get XD